Marasmius elegans (Cleland) Grgur.

Common name: None.

Description: The caps are up to 3 (4) cm in diameter, with a warm orange-brown colour, smooth, dry and convex but old specimens may become a little contorted. The gills are adnate, close and cream-coloured to white. The stem is very variable in length with normal specimens up to 5 cm long, but occasional specimens may reach 67 cm in length. The stem is 1.53 mm thick, and the surface is smooth, rather polished and very deep brown to almost black. The stem texture is very tough and the stem base is usually strigose with white hairs. There is no ring.

The spores measure 812 × 46.5 µm and are ellipsoidal to elongate drop-shaped, smooth and colourless but white in mass.

Substratum: This small but rather beautiful species is quite common on leaf litter in various types of eucalypt or mixed forest. Occasionally it forms large troops.

Distribution: Known from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

Notes: Older publications may still include this species listed under its original name, Collybia elegans.